Welcome To Zspark
Wireless ISP
Wireless ISPs around the world offer cost-effective, reliable broadband connectivity to connect business and residential customers in their areas.

Zspark offers a very reliable solution for industrial networks Security is an important topic for the enterprise networks. Zspark offers a very reliable solution

Increase communications capacity while reducing leased-line costs with ZSpark wireless broadband.Increase communications capacity

Whether in a high-rise building, across multiple buildings in a business park or between cities, a dedicated, private network provides the performance,

Point to Point & Point to Multi Points .
Zspark F5 BS 901
High-performance 5 GHz base-station
ZSpark F5 CE 231/201
High-performance 5 GHz subscriber unit
ZSpark F5 PP 231
Outdoor Wireless Point-to-Point Bridge
ZSpark D5 5B 151
Outdoor Wireless Device
ZSpark D5 BS 901
5GHz Base Station with Integrated Antenna
ZSpark 5B 15
Outdoor Wireless Device